
Benefiting from Taking a Break

Dear readers,

Here I am on my last day in the Philippines sipping on a cold San Mig Light beer, laying on maybe the nicest beach in the world and reflecting on just how much of a nice and relaxing time I’ve had. It really doesn’t get much better than spending 2 weeks in the Philippines. Actually it does, spending 4 weeks in the Philippines but unfortunately it’s time to move onto the next country on the list, Bali which isn’t exactly a bad thing.

When I arrived in the Philippines I had already decided I was going to have a break from taking photographs for the 2 weeks I was there. The camera has almost been a permanent fixture to my hand for the last 6 months and I thought it would be a good idea to leave it in the bag for the duration I was there. That way I could devote all my time to relaxing in paradise with my girlfriend and truly enjoy our time together with no distractions from having a camera in hand.

Also I’ve used this time to becoming even more ‘Street Tough’ (click here if you haven’t read my previous post). Even if I’m not physically taking photos doesn’t mean I can’t mentally visualize taking photos if I saw a potential street scene appear in front of me.

Taking a break from street photography has been great. Its given me more time to write blog posts, and enjoy reading my books on the beach. Before I arrived in the Philippines I bookmarked some photo books from the masters on to learn from and take inspiration from. I’d highly recommend checking them out as they are perfect for traveling and they also don’t cost you a penny. Yes sometimes it’s nice to have an actual book in your hand, but if you consider the cost, weight and room they take up I would much prefer looking at as many books as I like online on my iPad for free.

During these 2 weeks I have also left my photos alone that have been uploaded onto my MacBook so hopefully when I get back to editing them I have given myself the chance to remove any biased opinion about the images and know whether they are a keeper or to go into the trash bin. This is going to be a more regular occurrence now for me because most times I tend to be to hasty in getting back from a session on the street uploading what I think are good photos onto the MacBook, post processing and straight onto Flickr or Twitter. Just because it’s the best you got that day doesn’t always mean it’s a good photograph.

Taking this approach is all because of my new-found philosophy to street photography where I am trying to slow myself down. Let things happen and not to try to force them. I’m trying to be more like the tribesman who hunts in the jungle or the Lions or Crocodiles of the Great Serengeti in Africa hunting their prey. I’m trying to really learn the art of being patient, so I can always capture my subject to the best of my ability. To also incorporate patience into my daily life too. Life is more enjoyable when you are relaxed. We always have a habit of putting ourselves under unnecessary stress everyday to keep others happy either in our place of work or with family and friends but tend to forget about keeping the most important person in our lives happy, us. Sometimes we just need to say ‘F**k it’ and forget what other people say or think and do it for yourself.

From now on I will definitely be taking more regular breaks to really reflect on where I am in terms of improvement. If I see no Improvement it gives me more incentive to try harder to get better results the next time. If there is improvement I know I’m doing something right but not to stand still and admire  but to get back out there and strive to get even better.

Never stand still ladies and gents, because the moment you do the images you take will never be as good. I read a quote a while back and saved it as my wallpaper on my iPhone. It reads

“ if you always shoot the way you’ve always shot, you’ll always get the images you’ve always got ”

I think about this quote every time I’m taking photos an it helps keep me keep on my toes. Yes, my photos aren’t the greatest that mankind has ever seen but I know they are the best that I can produce at this moment in time. When comparing to when I first started there has been massive improvement. If I keep progressing at this steady pace than I’ll be more than happy. And if I can contribute to anybody else improving then that’s even better. I know I’ve said about keeping yourself happy before anybody else but for me I am happy now and knowing that other people are getting better or taking inspiration from something I have written is keeping me even more happy.

So remember, remember (no not the 5th of November) to just take it easy, slow things down. Let things happen in front of your eyes instead of rushing around as many streets as possible. Take regular breaks to refresh, feel more inspired to go out after a break by knowing you have improved from the last time you assessed yourself. Catch up with family and friends or have some great times with your girlfriend/boyfriend without having a camera in your hand, they will enjoy it. Read books, take inspiration from other photographers. Do anything you like, just try leave that camera alone for a while. By the time your break is over you will be chomping at the bit to go take photos again. Do things for yourself firstly and for others only after you are happy. So go out and lose yourself in the deep state of mind they call photography.

Ashley Linford

Becoming the best photographer you can be by being ‘Street Tough’

Being ‘Street Tough’ what does that mean?

No i don’t mean being able to handle yourself in a street brawl, although that would be nice in case of any negative altercations you may encounter but no that’s not it.

Again today I am going to be referring to my other great hobby in life Golf. Golf or sports in general is linked a lot to street photography for me in many ways. The patience to play golf mirrors the patience you need to take great photographs, the mindset of both is similar and also the improvement side of things. Golf is one of the hardest sports out there and in the world of photography street photography being pretty tough as well. You may go out on the course and shoot level par one day but the next weekend you are 18 over par. It’s frustrating because you know you can do better. But you can only do better if you practice better. It’s no good going out and shooting a good score thinking you have mastered golf and you big yourself up to you friends etc. because the next time you go out it’s bound to bite you in the arse. It’s not good and not healthy for you to get a big ego in golf, photography or in life. With an ego you can never improve and be the best you can be. Any critique received will be shrugged off and any praise is lapped up to the max. Not a good trait in my eyes. You would be better off keeping humble, practicing hard and that way you will improve your photography or anything you are taking part in.

I’ve been reading a book called ‘Golf Tough’ by an author called Dan Abrahams. In his book he refers to a sports psychologist  by the name of William Straub. Straub carried out an experiment where he asked the students to throw 50 darts at a board, count up their score and then embark on a special training program. Students were then split up into 3 even groups.

Group 1 would not throw another dart for the whole 8 week program.

Group 2 would practice for 30 minutes per day for 5 days per week for 8 weeks.

Group 3 would do the same as group 2 but include mental training as well.

Group 3 had to picture themselves throwing darts, seeing themselves positioned at the throwing line, feeling the darts in their fingers and feel the release. Picturing the dart flying through the air and hitting their intended target.

After the 8 weeks group 1 showed no improvement. Group 2 who practiced daily improved by an average of 67 points and group 3 who used physical practice alongside picturing throwing darts improved by a massive 165 points on average. An incredible improvement don’t you think by mentally training alongside the physical.

“It is quality more than quantity of practice that delivers excellence. Practice with a focused, goal driven mind” 

I think we can utilise William Straub’s experiment into street photography. So for the next 8 weeks or month or for however long you would like (I would recommend no shorter than 1 month though) is to use what the book refers to as the 1% Rule and become ‘Street Tough‘. I’ve used this rule in my golf practice in the past and it worked wonders. I’ve now applied this to street photography and I am also now seeing the benefit in my street photos. All you have to do is take 1% of your day which equates to around 15 minutes to visualise yourself taking photographs. You could be walking around the grocery store or having a day out with your family or friends, you could be doing anything, just dedicate that 1% to picture yourself taking photos. Get your game face on, walk around at that relaxed pace giving yourself time to take everything in. You own the streets. When you see a potential scene picture yourself pulling the camera to your eye, framing the scene in your viewfinder or LCD screen perfectly and then releasing and hearing the shutter button. Feel the joy you get when uploading to your computer and you have the exact shot you had imagined, things couldn’t have gone any better. See your real images start improving as a result of this. But remember always keep yourself humble when more likes and nice comments come flooding in on Social Media because as soon as you think you’re at the top of your game that’s when the bad photos and lack of improvement will creep back in.

If you practice better and think better there is no denying you will become better. Keep that same attitude and you will become the best photographer and person you can be.

Everyones got their Problems

Get ‘Street Tough’ and produce better images as a result. Do the 8 week experiment and become the best photographer you can be. Share this post with your fellow street photographers and become ‘Street Tough’ together.

Ashley Linford

